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Lazyman是一款功能全面的Neovim配置管理器,可安装和管理100多种主流Neovim配置。它提供菜单界面、命令行选项和nvims模糊搜索,便于用户管理多个配置。Lazyman将配置分为五大类,并自带Lazyman Neovim配置,为用户提供丰富的编程语言支持。

Lazyman Neovim Configuration Manager

# Install lazyman with the following two commands:
git clone $HOME/.config/nvim-Lazyman

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NEWS! Lazyman is now available as a Kasm Workspace by adding as a Kasm 3rd party registry and installing the Neovim or Deluxe workspace in your Kasm instance.

The Lazyman Neovim configuration management menu:

The nvims Neovim configuration fuzzy selector:

The Lazyman project can be used to install, initialize, and manage multiple Neovim configurations. Over 100 popular Neovim configurations are supported.

See what's new

Follow the Installation instructions to bootstrap Lazyman. Once Lazyman is installed, execute the lazyman command to manage Neovim configurations. The lazyman command is located in ~/.local/bin/lazyman.

The two primary features of the Lazyman project are the lazyman command and the nvims shell function. The lazyman command provides a menu interface and command line options to install, initialize, and manage multiple Neovim configurations. The nvims shell function dynamically generates a fuzzy searchable menu of Neovim configurations from which to select. The selected configurations can be opened in Neovim, removed, or a configuration information document can be viewed.

More info on the nvims and neovides shell functions can be found below in the nvims fuzzy selector section, in the nvims man page with man nvims, with the command nvims -U, or in Neovim using the nvim-Lazyman configuration with :h Nvims.

The lazyman command separates Neovim configurations into 5 categories: Base, Language, Personal, Starter, and Custom. The Base category consists of well tested Neovim configurations and distributions, all of which provide significant value. The Language category includes Neovim configurations tailored for a specific programming or document format language. The Personal category includes personal Neovim configurations that provide significant value or demonstrate some cool features. Configurations in the Personal category are not necessarily intended for public use, these repositories are maintained for the personal use of the authors but are included here for their value. The Starter category includes Neovim configurations tailored to serve as a starting point for developing your own Neovim configuration. These include the popular Neovim Kickstart configuration, a Modern Neovim config, the PDE personal development environment config, and the Neovim configurations provided by the nvim-starter project. The Custom category includes any additional Neovim configurations installed and initialized with lazyman by the end-user using the -C url and -N nvimdir options.

In addition, Lazyman installs and initializes the Lazyman Neovim configuration, a richly configured Neovim environment using Lua, Lazy, and Mason to support highlighting, completion, diagnostics, and more for many programming languages.

The installation and initialization of Neovim configurations are placed in separate directories and managed using the NVIM_APPNAME environment variable.

Note that a full installation and initialization of all supported Neovim configurations, plugins, language servers, formatters, linters, and tools will consume over 20GB of disk space.

The lazyman command is installed as ~/.local/bin/lazyman and can be used to install, initialize, remove, and manage multiple Neovim configurations.

Table of Contents


The lazyman Neovim configuration manager requires Neovim 0.9. The lazyman installation and initialization process checks for Neovim 0.9 and, if not found, installs it and required dependencies and tools.

Lazyman requires Linux or macOS, git, and the Bash shell version 4 or later.

  • Unix/Linux/macOS
  • Neovim 0.9 (automatically installed if not found)
  • Bash version 4 or later (automatically installed if not found)
  • Git version 2 or later

Note: CentOS 7 users should upgrade git and macOS users upgrade bash.

To enable installation of language servers and treesitter syntax highlighting gcc, node, and npm are required. For example, to install these requirements on Ubuntu Linux:

sudo apt install build-essential
sudo apt install nodejs
sudo apt install npm

Github API rate limiting

If you are in a corporate network or large shared network you may encounter rate limiting issues when attempting to access the Github API. To increase your rate limit, create and export a Github personal access token:

export GITHUB_TOKEN=<your-github-token>

macOS users

Even the latest versions of macOS ship with Bash 3.2 which dates from 2007. The Lazyman initialization process will update your system with a modern Bash using Homebrew:

brew install bash

The initialization process also makes sure it is found first in your PATH. For example, export PATH="/usr/local/bin:${PATH}" or export PATH="/opt/homebrew/bin:${PATH}".


The Lazyman installation process consists of two steps.

Step 1, clone the Lazyman repository:

git clone $HOME/.config/nvim-Lazyman

Step 2, initialize the Lazyman Neovim configuration:


These 2 steps perform the following:

  1. Download the Lazyman Neovim configuration
  2. Initialize the Lazyman Neovim configuration which:
    1. Installs language servers and tools for coding diagnostics
    2. Installs the latest version of Neovim if not already installed
    3. Installs and initializes configured Neovim plugins

After the download and initialization are complete, execute the lazyman command found in ~/.local/bin/lazyman.

By default, Lazyman uses the native package manager to install Neovim dependencies and tools. Supported native package managers include:

  • apt or apt-get on Debian based platforms (e.g. Ubuntu)
  • dnf or yum on RPM based platforms (Fedora, CentOS, Red Hat)
  • pacman on Arch Linux and Arch-Like platforms
  • apk on Alpine Linux
  • xbps-install on Void Linux
  • zypper on SUSE Linux

Further details on Lazyman installation including command line options to direct lazyman to install Neovim, dependencies and tools using Homebrew or to skip the Neovim installation altogether can be found on the Install tab of the Lazyman website

Supported configurations

View details of each supported configuration at the Lazyman website.

Over 100 popular Neovim configurations are supported in the following configuration categories:

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